Located on a small expansion shelf about midway between the Third and Fourth Circles, Musical Hell is presided over by Diva, a minor demon charged with passing judgement on the worst musicals ever committed to film. (She still hasn't figured out if this is their punishment or hers.) Take a seat on the bench and have your earplugs ready, because court is now in session.

New videos posted on the first Monday of the month. Other viewpoints, news, and general ramblings posted when they crop up.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Musical Hell Review: Paint Your Wagon (plus, neat stuff coming soon!)

First things first, your new Musical Hell Review!  This month, the world of gritty westerns meets the world of musical comedy, and neither of them comes out looking good in Paint Your Wagon!

But wait, there's more!  Next month's Musical Hell will be a little later than normal, in order to bring you an extra-special Halloween crossover celebration!  To tide you over, there will be a commentary--plus a bonus commentary available to $5+ Patreon subscribers!  To subscribe, click here!

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